Make A Donation


Your donation can truly impact SCHS students lives. 

By virtually every measure of academic performance our students are flourishing. While the students, faculty, and parents rightfully get the majority of credit for this ongoing achievement, San Clemente Education Foundation also played a significant role.

SCEF provides financial support to give students the extra help they need to do their best in mastering the high school curriculum. 

Let’s give our Tritons a world-class education they deserve.

Thanks to generous donations by you and other supporters, we were able to invest $250,000 into a complete library remodel. This is in addition the many critical programs we continue to fund annually, from no-cost, teacher-led tutoring and college-admissions advisement to AP/IB support, as well as the highly successful AVID and Auto Academy.

High-impact projects like the library update—along with our ongoing programs—are only possible through the enduring generosity of you and others. For this, please accept our sincere thanks. It’s up to us to close the gap and ensure SCHS students have access to the opportunities they deserve. With that in mind, we ask you to continue supporting the foundation’s work. We’re 100% volunteer driven, so rest assured that your entire donation will support academic programs and projects.

Together we will continue to provide a world-class education for all SCHS students, helping to enrich both their lives and the community we all love.

Support a world-class education at SCHS by making a donation or joining us at our 20th annual fundraiser, Triton Night.

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